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Michael Child
July 24 at 7:54pm
I’ve just been surfing the web looking for and reading responses to the rsp DCO consultation, as the deadline for submission has now passed. What I haven’t been able to find is any submissions supporting the DCO. I assume this is down to my ITC skills and not because there aren’t any, so where are they?
The picture is Vulcan XH483, 4th August 1967 at Manston.
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1 Clare Dove
Adem Mehmet
Adem Mehmet Nnf have said there were 236 for the DCO. No idea where they get this number from as the pro sites have thousands of members.
Like · Reply · July 24 at 8:02pm
Adem Mehmet
Adem Mehmet Can you actually see all the responses somewhere ?
Like · Reply · July 24 at 8:03pm
Michael Child
Michael Child Quite a few people opposing the DCO have posted them online or the gist of them appears on the pins website. The most comprehensive response is NNF, but no nothing all in one place, although i think they have to be published that way before the DCO sub...See More
Like · Reply · July 24 at 8:10pm
Chris Barton
Chris Barton Adem Mehmet that's about the same number that answered the smaa pole so I would imagine that's what they were talking about
Like · Reply · July 24 at 8:11pm
Michael Child
Michael Child In terms of the number of members of social media groups I work on the number of people who like and comment on posts there as the way in which you can generate group members on Facebook has very little to do with how many people have an interest in th...See More
Like · Reply · 1 · July 24 at 8:19pm
Paul Eaton
Paul Eaton I asked RSP to put a statement on their website (on day one of consultations) as the webpages were useless and downloading them would save a lot of time and bother. They just said sorry.
Like · Reply · July 24 at 10:54pm · Edited
Adem Mehmet
Adem Mehmet I managed to open the first 4 volumes easily but not the rest, appendices etc must have been much larger I guess. Key point is RSP will create over 30000 jobs which together with many more people moving to Thanet to be near an airport with passenger operations will mean the need for many more houses than SHP are planning so Tdc should be happy as they'll get extra tax revenues to fritter away.
Like · Reply · Yesterday at 6:28am