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1820 Picture of Margate and Its Vicinity           

Oulton. W. C. Varlo G. Illustrator

Price including Postage

78 pp Tall A4 folded format
This is a useful guide to Margate and its environs, giving the local historian considerable insight into both the general and social history of the 1820s. The illustrations are a delight it is difficult and expensive to obtain an original copy.

Apart from being one of the most attractive and desirable guidebooks of the period it also has a section on the then cutting edge technology of the paddle steamer. Margate was one of the first commercial destinations for steamboats, the first arriving in 1816 according to Richardson of 1815 according to Brayley. Mr. Oulton goes to considerable trouble to allay our fears of boiler explosions and the like.

"This PICTURE, it is presumed, will be found an admirable guide to strangers; and even the annual frequenters of Margate will derive from it much gratification, it being embellished with Twenty of the most prominent Views, the whole taken on the spot, and purposely engraved for this volume. A Town so much resorted to, not only for the benefit of sea air and bathing, but even for the sake of pleasure, is well worthy the attention of the topographer, and the pencil of the artist: for the accommodation, therefore, of strangers or habitual visitors, whether invalids of persons of fashion, we have endeavoured to produce a complete Picture of Margate; which we trust will be found worthy the attention and patronage of the public"
W.C. Oulton Esq. 1820.

Engravings reprinted include : Lighthouse and Pier, Marine Parade and Harbour, High Street, Bettison's Library, Buenos Ayres, Sea Bathing infirmary and more with information.
Also a description of the Steam Boats visiting at the time.