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Breezy Broadstairs           


By James Simson


Price including Postage

A5 format Card Cover 22+ Printed Pages.

First printed 1897
Breezy Broadstairs! Brightest best,

Rarest spot, by heaven blest –

A small ephemeral guide to Broadstairs with black and white drawings and advertisements for local businesses of the period. 

Illustrations include: - Pierremont College – the early home of Her Majesty The Queen; Stone Gap; Church of St. Peter The Apostle; Charles Dickens window in Bleak House; The Captain Digby; The Harbour; Kingsgate Castle; St. Ives; The Railway Hotel; Prince Albert; The Wrotham Hotel; George Inn; F Philpott’s Stores; White’s Arcade and other shops.


Text includes; - Information on The Town; Schools; Boarding Establishments – Hotels / Pubs and Shops.