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The British Government signed a European Norm that has become British Standard (BS EN 12811) in 2003. On one of the final pages it states, that the scaffolding material, which is prescribed by the norm is not available in Britain.

That means the government created a BS, which is not valid, because the basic requirements are, i.e. having the safe scaffolding, is not fulfilled.

Scaffolding that compiles with the EEC norm must be attached to the building with screws and plugs.

To further complicate the issue English Heritage doesn't want to have any screws or plugs in their holy heritage.

So the question is, it safe to open a sash window 50 mm and to put through a pole to support the scaffolding for buildings on the seafront subject to gales?

It must be obvious that good conservation work is only possible on a safe scaffold, and certainly none of us want anything heavy falling on us, this seems to be a local instance of UK gov and EEC producing a potentially dangerous situation by playing with each others red tape.

The planks don't appear to be fixed to the poles
Note the small claw in the centre of the picture more reminiscent of clinging with the tips of ones fingers than structural engineering
You can see the brick wall bulges out next to the window this appears to be the only place the front of the scaffold is attached to the building