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Minutes of the FINANCE AND GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE duly convened and held in
the Council Chamber, Albion House, Albion Place, Ramsgate on 11 August 2009
Present:     Councillors Byne, Carr, Green, Hoult, Kirby, Moore, Nicholson, and Ward.
Eileen Richford, Senior Democratic Services Officer, TDC

09/09     APOLOGIES

There were no apologies received.


There were no declarations of interest made.

11/09     MINUTES

The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 14 July 2009 were agreed following amendment to minute 02/09 so that it was recorded that Councillor Byne seconded Councillor Kirby's nomination of Councillor Carr for Vice-Chairman of the Committee.


Members discussed the current Ramsgate Fund application form.

Following debate Members were minded to agree the following;

The advertising of the Ramsgate Fund allocations on the Ramsgate Town Council website (when up and running) would be the remit of the Town Clerk.
Grants to be allocated at two a) grants up to £500 and b) grants over £500 and up to a maximum £5,000.
Monies set aside to be for a) £10,000 and for b) £30,000+.
Match funding to be encouraged and given priority for grants over £500.
The application forms to be simplified, in particular for the smaller grants.
An audit trail system to be put in place in order that the Council can see exactly what the grants have been used for.
A report back to the Ramsgate Town Council be required from the organisations which had been allocated grants.

Members also noted that some wheelchairs that had been purchased for Ramsgate main beach by the Ramsgate Charter Trustees and managed by TDC were not being used on that particular beach.   It was agreed that TDC would be approached and asked to clarify the situation before the next summer season.

13/09     BUDGET

     Members considered the current Budget papers (2009/10) noting the following;

That the 2010/11 budget for the Town Council would need to include the costs for the Town Clerk, his/her office and computer equipment.  The on-costs for the post would bring the amount up to circa £40,000.
TDC had been approached re rent for the use of Albion House but no response had been received to date.  Members noted that if entering into a lease for the premises the Council would need to carefully consider the consequences in costs of a `repairs' lease.
Money would need to be set aside for the 2011 elections.  Members noted that after 2011 elections would fall four yearly.
With the extra costs detailed above the precept for 2010/11 could be circa £200,000.
The Town Clerk could be instructed to do a comparison study for the utilities used by the Council i.e. electricity suppliers.
Local traders to be encouraged to help fund events held in Ramsgate.  

Members agreed that they would look at the Budget papers and pass any comments to the Chairman of the Committee or to the clerk in order that these may be included in the agenda for the next meeting of the Committee.

Meeting Concluded at 8.20pm.
Minutes of the FINANCE AND GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE duly convened and held in
the Council Chamber, Albion House, Albion Place, Ramsgate on 23 September 2009
Present:     Councillors Nicholson (Chairman), Byne, Hoult, Kirby, Rogers (substitute for Carr) and Ward.
14/09     APOLOGIES
     Apologies were received on behalf of Councillors Carr and Moore.     
16/09     MINUTES
     The Minutes of the Meeting held on 11th August 2009 were proposed by Councillor Ward, seconded by Councillor Hoult and signed by the Chairman as a true record
     The Chairman proposed the committee take a formal stand on this and make its recommendations to full council for ratification.
Agreed that the advertising of the Ramsgate Fund allocations on the Ramsgate Town Council website be the remit of the Town Clerk.
Agreed that grants be available:      i - up to £500
ii - over £500 up to a maximum of £5,000

Agreed monies be distributed as: i above £10,000 per annum approximately
ii above £30,000 per annum approximately but sums could be transferred from one to the other subject to demand
     It was agreed that applications will be discussed on a quarterly basis (June,               September, January and March) and money will also be allocated on a quarterly        basis to avoid early overspend.  The Ramsgate Fund for 2009/10 is £46,100.

Match funding to be encouraged and given priority for grants over £500.
Application forms to be simplified, particularly for smaller grants.  All applications to be received by the given deadline - failure to do so will result in them being held over to the next meeting.
There is already a comprehensive audit trail in place.  The RFO had also produced a `feed back' form and it was agreed the front sheet only should be used for grants up to £500, with the complete form issued for grants over £500.  The form to be sent with the award cheque and must be completed and returned within 6 months. (Members will each receive a copy of the audit trail and feed back form).
Delete this item as the feed back form is sufficient.
Attention was drawn to the amounts previously awarded to the Ramsgate Town Partnership for decorative lighting in the town (a total of £13,000) for which Thanet District Council now had responsibility.  Ramsgate Town Council to ensure TDC do not charge for the maintenance as it is thought this is the responsibility of the installer.
Councillor Nicholson also raised the question of the whereabouts of the log cabins for which the Ramsgate Charter Trustees had donated £10,000 in 2007.  Councillor Hoult thought Darren Simpson had them stored at a theatre in Herne Bay.  The Chairman will write, via RTC, to Councillor Pat Doyle on this matter.
No report had been received from TDC regarding the Beach Within Reach wheelchairs.

18/09     BUDGET 2010 - 2011
In the absence of a Town Clerk, it will be necessary for the Chairman of the F & G P Committee and the RFO to produce the main figures for the budget by 20th October 2009.  Councillor Kirby asked if the F & G P Committee could have the figures beforehand.
Annual costs plus on-costs are needed including election and allotments.  Councillor Nicholson to speak with the Chief Executive at TDC regarding the proposed rent for the building, what is included and what liabilities there are.
The total precept will need to be agreed by full council in January 2010.
Councillor Nicholson reported that TDC are recommending a zero pay rise.  Ramsgate Town Council to discuss the matter.
Councillor Kirby asked why the Nat. Ins. and Pension contributions had increased from £8,000 to £12,500.  The RFO to report back.
It was agreed to compare the Mayor's allowance with those of Margate, Broadstairs & St. Peter's and other coastal towns nearby.
No decision had been made by full council regarding members' allowances.  The Chairman to speak with Councillor Green about this.
     Allotment money needed to be monitored.

The RFO answered various questions.  Records will be kept as now until the next financial year.  Cheque payments need to be changed to the BACS system.
Proposed by Councillor Ward, seconded by Councillor Rogers, the Expenditure Account 22nd June to 23rd September 2009 was approved.
Councillor Ward reported that the Town Improvement Committee Chairman will be writing to the F & G P Committee regarding suggestions and requests.
Councillor Rogers said it was unlikely local traders will help fund events.
The Audit Commission has appointed Alun Williams as External Auditor to Ramsgate Town Council  for a three-year period commencing with accounts for the year ending 31st March 2010.  The RFO requested that a new Internal Auditor be appointed who will be capable of auditing town council accounts.  She will liaise with the Town Clerk of Broadstairs to ascertain likely costs and a suitable company.
Councillor Hoult asked if a member from each group could meet on an informal basis.  He was advised that, as Deputy Mayor, he could informally invite whomever he wished.
Councillor Byne pointed out that Ramsgate Town Council is in a difficult position - if the precept is increased it will be unpopular, but to make no improvements will be as bad.  Councillor Kirby suggested RTC make improvements but only what it can afford and money must be spent properly.
Councillor Nicholson reported there may be money available from KCC for town notice boards.     
Tuesday 20 October 2009. at 7 p.m. in the Council Chamber, Albion House.

The meeting closed at 8.43 p.m.

duly convened and held at 7.00 pm in
the Council Chamber, Albion House, Albion Place, Ramsgate on 11 November 2009
Present:  Councillors Nicholson (Chairman), Byne, Doyle (substitute for Councillor Carr), Hoult, Kirby, Moore and Ward.
22/09     APOLOGIES
     An apology was received on behalf of Councillor Carr, whose substitution was Councillor Doyle
     A further apology was received on behalf of Councillor Moore, for lateness.
     There were no declarations of interest.
24/09     MINUTES
     The Minutes of the Meeting held on 23 September 2009 were agreed and signed by the Chairman as a true record.

      It was further agreed:

that the minutes of this meeting be sent, as soon as possible, to all attendees;
that the attendees be given the opportunity to raise any inaccuracies with the committee clerk within a certain length of time;
that the minutes, subject to any amendments as above, be then taken as read and submitted along with the minutes of the meeting on 23 September 2009 to the next full meeting of the Council.
25/09     BUDGET REPORT 2010/11
The Chairman pointed out that there were two parts to the budget documentation:  a report prepared by himself, which had been appended to the agenda, and a draft working paper which had still to be circulated to Members.

Chairman's Budget Report

The Chairman's budget report was considered, and it was agreed to recommend that:

A total of £139,750 be added to the 2010/11 budget: £122,750 thereof to cover ongoing liabilities and £17,000 to cover one-off items, as follows:

                         Annual     One-off     Total                    
                         £K          £K          £K

Town Clerk - salary &
     on costs 1               30                    30

Albion House - rent          15.75                    15.75    2010/11 and each     
                                                  of following 4 years
                         _____                    _____

c/f                    45.75                    45.75
                    Annual     One-off     Total

                    £K          £K          £K

b/f               45.75                    45.75

Albion House - full
structural survey &
legal advice 2                     5           5

Town Council election
Costs               16                    16       £16K also in 2011/12 and
                                             £8.5K pa thereafter until
Allotments 3          28                    28

IT 4                           2           2         (essentially capital)

Office accommodation     5          10          10

Finance regulations -
2 internal audits           0.5                     0.5

Internal decoration
& planned
Maintenance           2.5                    2.5  (as a “ring-fenced pot”)

Events budget 6           30                    30    in principle

                    ______     __          ______

Total                   £122.75K          £17K               £139.75     
                                      ======      ===           =====          

During consideration of the various budget items, the following points and queries were raised:

Town Clerk  - salary etc:  

Should the hours of the Town Clerk require to be extended, reserves could be used to cover any additional salary and other associated contingencies during the first year.

Albion House rent:  

What were the implications of Albion House being sold by TDC prior to finalisation of the draft lease?
It was understood that the total freehold would be disposed of and that an acceptable offer to purchase had been received by TDC;
Would the property be sold on the basis that RTC tenancy would be protected for 25 years?
The premises covered by the draft lease comprised part of the ground floor as follows:  Mayor's Parlour, office, Council Chamber, kitchen, toilets and an additional room;
It was understood that the Mayor's insignia was in safe-keeping in the basement;
It would be a good idea if Members could arrange to have a tour (preferably during the day) of the accommodation included in the lease;
Upon disposal of the Albion House by TDC, the main entrance would become a private entrance and an alternative entrance to RTC premises would require to be created, probably off the office;
The structural survey, for which a one-off provision was to be made, would identify any defects to be put right by TDC before finalisation of the lease;
It was understood that any Landlord would have sole responsibility for the maintenance of the structure of the building, e.g., the roof;
Legal advice on matters pertaining to the lease should be sought as soon as possible.

(Councillor Moore entered the meeting during the course of consideration of this item)

Allotments:  At some stage in the future, it might be prudent to consider employing someone for the purpose of maintaining/ administering allotments.

IT:  Details of quotes received in relation to new computer equipment were as follows:  It was not clear, at this stage, whether the amounts were inclusive of VAT.


2 computers with upgrade                    1,278.60  (Cap)
   48 months on-site warranty                       165.60  (Cap)
   or 60 months with parts and labour                         246.56  (Cap)


2 computers - different spec                    1,727.76  (Cap)
   same options for maintenance as above


   2 optical mice (standard option)
    Software:  Anti-virus                               59.80 pa (Rev)
                    Microsoft office licence                   454.00 pa (Rev)
  Other:  5 port switch                                30.00  (Cap)
  Software networking and printer                    

Office accommodation:  
Upon disposal of Albion House, a new entrance would be required to the RTC premises (see under No. 1 “Albion House rent” above);
A new reception area / foyer, to which the main door would lead, could be created, with CCTV coverage in the main office and a “bell” etc for visitors to use
Accommodation would be required by the  new Town Clerk;
It might be possible for the Town Clerk & Mayor's Secretary to share the same office;
The telephone system required to be networked.

Events Budget:  

It had seemed that confidential information had been leaked to the press;
It should be noted that any such breach of the Code of Conduct could result in a case being brought before the Standards Board;
It was agreed:

in principle, the sum of £30K, to be match funded by TDC, be added  to the revenue budget for 2010/11 for the purpose of events;
members of the Committee should submit specific recommendations regarding what could be included in the programme of events, in time for inclusion in the report to the next meeting of the Committee, on 2 December 2009.

Draft Working Paper

It was noted that this schedule of expenses had not yet been circulated to Committee members.

It was agreed that the schedule should, if possible, include for comparative purposes, figures for 2007/08, 2008/09, 2009/10 (to date) and estimates for 2010/11

The Chairman undertook to ensure that the other Committee members received the revised schedule during the course of the week.


The Chairman undertook to enquire about training by use of DVDs.


Matter arising from minutes of previous meeting - Budget 2010-2011 - increase in National Insurance and Pension contributions

          The Mayor's Secretary would be asked to provide information as to why national insurance and pension contributions had increased from £8,000 to £12,500.

Apology - next meeting

          It was noted that Councillor Moore would be unavailable to attend the next      meeting of the Committee.

Switching on of Christmas lights

          It was agreed:

that up to £100 be made available to Councillor Hoult to cover expenses associated with this event;
that flyers be printed “in house” by the Mayor's Secretary.

There being no further business, the meeting terminated at 8.26 pm

Minutes of the PLANNING AND CONSERVATION COMMITTEE duly convened and held in
the Council Chamber, Albion House, Albion Place, Ramsgate on 5 October 2009
Present:     Councillors Doyle, Green, Kirby and Moore.
Eileen Richford, Senior Democratic Services Officer, TDC
18/09     APOLOGIES
     Apologies were received from Councillors O'Donnell, Poole and Todd.
     There were no declarations of interest made.


Resolved that applications be dealt with as detailed below:

No objections were raised on the following;
L/TH/09/0713       Chatham House School, Chatham Street, Ramsgate, CT11 7PS
     Members would, however, like confirmation that aluminium windows are acceptable in a Conservation area.  Action required  - Simon Thomas, TDC
L/TH/09/0738      153 High Street, Ramsgate, CT11 9TY
F/TH/09/0744      35 Victoria Parade, Ramsgate, CT11 8AJ
     Members were unaware of the reason for the application being called-in as the Member concerned was unable to attend the meeting.

The meeting concluded at 6.50pm.
Minutes of the PLANNING AND CONSERVATION COMMITTEE duly convened and held in
the Council Chamber, Albion House, Albion Place, Ramsgate on 26 October 2009
Present:     Councillors Doyle, Green, Kirby, Moore, O'Donnell and Poole.
Eileen Richford, Senior Democratic Services Officer, TDC
21/09     APOLOGIES
     There were no apologies received.
     There were no declarations of interest made.
23/09     MINUTES
The minutes of the meeting held on 28 September 2009 were agreed and signed by the Chairman.


Resolved that applications be dealt with as detailed below:

No objection was raised on the following;

C/TH/09/0769     5 SHAFTSBURY STREET, CT11 8JG

F/TH/09/0783     18 KING STREET, CT11 8NW

F/TH/09/0785     12 SOUTHWOOD GARDENS, CT11 0BQ

F/TH/09/0627     332 MARGATE ROAD, RAMSGATE,CT12 6SQ

F/TH/09/0668     26 EDITH ROAD, RAMSGATE, CT11 OEN








F/TH/09/0840     63 LONDON ROAD, RAMSGATE, CT11 0DH


No objection was raised on the following but with comments as detailed below;


     Ramsgate Town Council's, Planning and Conservation Committee welcome the property being brought back into use but need assurance that any changes made to the property will comply with Listed Building regulations, that the flags will not be used for advertising, the name `Custom House' will remain and the lettering retained in the same style.

The meeting concluded at 7.20pm.

Minutes of the TOWN IMPROVEMENT COMMITTEE duly convened and held in the Council Chamber, Albion House, Albion Place, Ramsgate on 19th October 2009.

Present:   Councillors O'Donnell (Chairman), Byne, Dark, Landi, Ward, Green and Rogers

15/09     APOLOGIES

Apologies were received from Cllr Fenner.  Cllr Green attended as substitute.

16/09     MINUTES
The minutes of the meeting held on 21st September 2009 were proposed by Cllr Ward and seconded by Cllr Rogers. The Chairman signed them as a true record.

The Chairman asked Cllr Landi to take the minutes of this meeting in the absence of any secretarial assistance.  No apology for absence had been received.

The Chairman welcomed Mr Paul Verrall and Mr Mark Seed both officers of Thanet District Council to the meeting.   The Chairman said that the Town Council needed to set budgets for the coming year very soon.  The Officers attending this meeting were here to answer questions to assist the Members of the Town Improvement Committee to do this.   The Chairman then introduced Mr Paul Verrall to answer questions relating to Allotments.

18/09     ALLOTMENTS

The following information was given in response to questions by various Councillors.

 Some money from the sale of the Manston Road allotments was spent on other sites in   accordance with the wishes of plot holders.  These were capital projects NOT maintenance.   There are some problems with water supply to allotments because of pipe size or low pressure.  An alternative supply source is being considered.  Water is metered.  At Stirling Way access is difficult but an order to remedy this has been placed but work will not begin until the gas supply work has been finished in about a month's time, The Heras fencing will also be moved by the Gas Company.

The costs can vary each year.  A breakdown at the year end can be prepared.  £23,900.00 covers basic administration plus day to day repairs such as clearing broken glass. TDC has banned the use of glass on allotments.    The £23,900.00 admin charge includes £19,000.00 levied by TDC as a charge by the Central Support Unit.   The Allotment Section has no control over the amount demanded by the Central Support Unit.  If the cemetery sites were taken over by the Town Council it would be difficult to calculate how much RTC could pay.   

It was generally felt that money could be saved if the Town Council took over the allotments and particularly if they were self administered.   There is a list of approximately 200 waiting for allotments. Chilton is the most popular site.  

When the Manston allotments were sold one third were retained but so far have not been allocated because there is a right of way through the area leaving the site open to vandalism.  Roughly £800,000.00 from the sale of the Manston Road allotments has been spent on capital improvements.  Mark Seed said that RTC must give 12 month's notice to take over.  Cllrs Landi and Byne will visit Herne Bay Allotments which are self administered to see how their system works and report to the Chairman.

19/09     TOILETS

The toilets next to the Granville Theatre have been demolished.  Those at Boundary Road and St Lawrence have been closed.  It was mentioned that we have an ageing population. There are only three left - the Pier Yard, Cavendish Street and Westcliff (Screaming Alley).

A way forward was urgently needed.   The closure of the Cavendish Street toilet is conditional on the scheme to pay £600.00 per annum to private businesses to open their toilets to the public. Concerns were raised about disabled access to private toilets.  Mark Seed said most closures were due to vandalism.   TDC spend £687,000.00 per annum on toilets.  Ramsgate contributes 30% of the funding for toilets but receives only 17% to be spent on toilets.   Ramsgate has more toilets than Edinburgh.   TDC is looking for a contribution from the Town Council if they wish the Bathing Station toilets to remain open longer.

Members noted that some Broadstairs Pubs have a notice saying there is a charge of £1.50 for non-customers to use the toilets.

It would be possible to pass the TDC budget for toilets to the Town Council but discussion and investigation is required.


The “LOVE, HATE & HOPE” survey was a splendid survey to reflect public opinion.  The Royal Harbour, Beaches and Architecture were notable in the LOVE Section.   

Members discussed how to consult the people of Ramsgate and whether they should use the same team.  They agreed that Resident's Associations and Civic Societies could be consulted.   TDC does its own survey.   The Town Council could produce a list of perhaps twelve options and ask the public to grade them in order of importance.  Any survey must be fully representative of the whole Town.  There is currently no money in the Budget for a survey.   

It was noted that the Town Council has a statutory duty to hold a Town Forum each year.  The Eastcliff Residents' Association had offered to help with this project.  The Chairman suggested the committee could look into more effective marketing of the Town and that a Marketing Manager may be employed for this task.  He said that improved visitor numbers could have a dramatic effect on the town's fortunes.  Chris Welch of the Eastcliff Residents' Association also addressed the committee on these matters.


How was the Royal Victoria pavilion allowed to fall into such disrepair?

This is a TDC problem as the owner.

ERA asked for a response from the Town Council to the points raised by them in their paper dated 10th September.

The Chairman said that this agenda was unable to accommodate a proper discussion of that paper but we welcome the points raised in it and will respond after consideration at the next meeting.

Is the fence around the Royal Sands development legal and how long will it be there?

The developer has to apply every six months.  KCC have given permission for Health & Safety reasons.

Mrs Ruth Cousens presented a petition to “Save Albion House” to the Chairman to be passed to TDC.

The meeting closed at 9.20pm.

The next meeting will take place on 16th November 2009.