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Title 18
Planning Obligations and Developer Contributions Supplementary
Planning Document
We are seeking your views on a draft Supplementary Planning Document which will assist both developers and the community in understanding what is required, and when from development. The consultation runs from 6th November to 18th December 2009. Where possible we would prefer that comments are made electronically using our online document at consult.thanet.gov.uk as this is the quickest way of responding. If you are unable to respond electronically please send your comments by midnight 18th December 2009 to strategic Planning, Thanet District Council, P O Box 9, Cecil Street,
Margate, Kent, CT9 1XZ

Part 1 - Your details
If representing a group
or body please state
Part 2 - Your Comments
1. Are the 5 priority areas appropriate, and in the correct order? If no, what alternatives do you propose?
Please specify
Yes   No  
2. Other than the 5 priority areas, are there any others which should be brought within the scope of the
SPD? If yes, please specify
Yes   No  
3. Do you think there are priorities covered which should not be included within the SPD? If yes, please
Yes   No  
4. Is the flow chart “When are planning obligations required” clear? If no, do you have any suggestions
to improve it?
Yes   No  
5. Is the “What about development viability?” section reasonable? If no, what alternative approach
would you propose?
Yes   No  
6. Would a model legal agreement be useful? If yes, should it be available on-line to download as a
Yes   No  
7. Is the document clear enough? If no, please suggest improvements
Yes   No  
8. Any other comments?
Please use additional sheets if required
Please use additional sheets if required